Sunday, 14 December 2014

Dimensional Analysis identifies form of physical laws. We have a dimensionless absolute  a. Three dimensions are required to specify the centre of the object. While six dimensions specify position of the object, i.e. 3 to specify the location of the centre of the object and 3 to specify the direction in which it is moving .If majority is flowing with thermodynamic  flow of time. Vectors in n dimensional space q-. A spending symmetry as a tradeoff between freedom to vary units and the freedom to vary units and the freedom to work with dimensionally inconsistent equations from degrees of freedom.For a closed cube in R n for spin groups from b as  p-,p+,p0,p0  the spinors have dimension as square root of that vector fromA particle is of dimension 0 and a brane of dimension 1 the degree dmass  is an adequate expression of mass in super strings  with ten dimensions for a flip in the rotational plane of polarization as h^ with l being small and convex absorbing sets in V with semi-norm pA.  h^ has a hyperboloid centre in which with reflexive symmetry  rt the spheroid gets a dimension added to it as an ellipsoid. And rational surface patches are barycentric in t form. The quantum distortion as particles with life span in negative time maybe a connectivity of the past light cone of a lager radius to the future light cone of lower radius. Symmetry is spontaneously broken in a choice of q

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Notions of symmetry are involved in the development of attitude and emotions, hence to attachment of probabilities. In uncertainty to risk aversion or risk taking. There is a co-relation between cognition, emotions and behaviour. From attention vectors we move to appraisal vectors. Expectations and shared appraisal vectors have a significant influence in the appraisal process for the survival and well being of the organism. Time spans and restoration of the third state , thus, are dependent on the nature of criteria used regarding appraisal variables and dimensions in the decision process and the conceptualisation.

Friday, 30 May 2014

When inner perception linked to uncertainty and unconscious, is conceived, it is called intuition. When synchronized and optimized with analytical skills it comes into the realm of bounded rationality, in case we treat intuition as an efficient form of allocating scarce mental resources. There are emotional and cognitive costs attached to decision making, hence to indifferences and preferences.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

From amongst logically consistent possible worlds, the actual physical world is sheer coincidence. It is always an open question whether it is the best of all possible worlds. With generalised co-ordinates we can write the principle of least action for laws of motion either in terms of configuration space or phase space, pursuing critical rationalism

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Relaxing transitivity, a closed cube in Rn centred on the origin, with lambda being small and weak local derivatives, given h capacity , finite distortions are measured. Time inconsistent preferences with bounded rationality are an explanation of market failures. The absorption level of economic power by political power and criticality of rationality lays down the decision criteria.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Thought is a kind of motion, both thought and perception are physical processes in space which is a set of relations and distances are between events. The motion of an object is the notion of a process that produces the apparent stability of the object. Objects are tokens of eigen-behavior where eigen- behaviour is the process itself. The resulting object of recursive process in a reflexive domain is the eigen-form of the process. The eigen-form is the imagined boundary in the reciprocal relationship of the object(It) and the process leading to the object(It)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Critical rationality has the attention vector in locally bounded topological vector space and thermal equations have chaotic motion absorbed at the boundary of the tubes, it can be barrelled and with conditions of variants of reflexivity stereotyped. When norms do not change, the second order eigen-forms of perceived worlds interact with the world to produce stabilities that become the object of perception. Objects and eigen- forms can have varying degrees of reality. Any object in the world provides a conceptual centre to explore relationships. Attention has a selection in space and time and the attention process originates from endogenous factors or exogenous stimuli. With the change of order of predicates h, g on propositional p, with p,h,g being genus surface, we are changing the order within the same class of predicates(gamma) leaving the other class of predicates of accident(beta), further ,for hyperbolic functions, h(0) = 0 and h'(0)  are invertible for re-parametrization invariance.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Bounded rationality with intersecting i-lines and genus surface h-lines requires selecting h instead of b for function f(x) with values a,b. As h approaches 0, the slope of the secant line approaches the line tangent to f(x) at x = 0. The derivative is a slope of the tangent line, and tangent slope is the limiting value of secant slope for genus surface h.We can look for stability in terms of perturbation around the equilibrium path and cycles around the equilibrium.The i lines by induction layout the hypothesis which is to be tested.Examining possible world lines we arrive at a logical conclusion by deduction.